For Electronic Giving, GNG is currently using a payment provider called PushPay.  We are moving away from PushPay and moving to the new Church Center giving platform.

PushPay will end in December so it’s important that you switch over to the new payment processor for Good News Gathering as soon as possible.

You must cancel your current account with PushPay (step 2 below) then sign up with the new payment processer (Step 3 below) to continue giving to Good News Gathering electronically before 12/28/22.

Please don’t wait until the last day.  Convert to the new system as soon as you can to make the transition go more smoothly.

Below are links to take care of the necessary steps to convert to the new giving platform.

  1. For the Current Payment Processor,  use this link to give until you cancel it . Ends 12/28/22.
  2. To cancel your account for the current Payment Processer, use this link.
  3. To sign up for the New Payment Processer, Church Center for Giving To GNG Electronically, use this link.

If you have questions or concerns about giving electronically contact our Financial Team via email or call the church office 937-393-5383.